I managed to make some time today to create new pages for Cyclops, Moldex, and Ross Plastics.
The Cyclops page I should have added ages ago, but I do not have much in the way of toys, just a fabulous Cyclops Toys sales brochure from the 1960’s.
Moldex Ltd made plastic toys in Melbourne in the 1950’s and was also acquired by Lines Bros in the UK. Moldex produced a number of their products like Scalextric and Tri-ang trains for the Australian market. I have added a 1960’s Moldex plastic tractor to my collection.
Ross Plastics was a business I was not aware of until I picked up a plastic boat from another collector recently. Labelled as Ross Plastics Melbourne and West End Products, I will need to search for further information and try to date this model, although I expect it will be late 1970’s or even later.
The new pages are available from the links above or below.
Hi, Is the Tri-ang Moldex building still standing in Fairfield? If so, do you know the address?
Hi Lindsay
Interesting question, but I do not have an answer. Maybe someone else has some information for us.
Hi Lindsay
One interesting article in Trove http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/18139469 about the Moldex Ltd company finance raising.
I cannot find a street address, only the suburb.