Model Railways and Toy Trains have been a constant in my collection although I have done little to document what I do have. So this section will provide links to all the railway related items that I have across a variety of scales or gauges.
I’ve classed them by type and then manufacturer with scale almost being implicit as a result.
While I try to keep all my trains in operating condition I commonly run my N Gauge kit and save the others for special occasions.
In my youth my father built for me a layout board that stood in a corner of my bedroom and hinged from a chest of drawers with a trestle leg to support the outer end of the board. This simple layout occupied many winter days for me and from memory had two main loops and a couple of sidings with the obligatory station and signal box. While we talked about scenery I did not follow that up with any action and simply played with the operating loco’s and wagons.
All of that was Tri-ang HO gauge and while I do not recall too many specific details, there was a CKD Princess Elizabeth loco and some CKD carriages that I think was as much for Dad to assemble as for me to play with. There was, and still is, a Stephensons Rocket loco from the mid 1960’s which I did retain, although I sold all the rest in my teens, for too little money, but I had lost interest.
Since then I have collected a number of sets and pieces that I liked.