Also in the bag of bits I got today were 5 of the Swinging Pets Cereal Toys 1969 series.

Another series that I had not specifically collected, probably because we tended to have Kellogs or Sanitarium cereals and these were issued by Nabisco in Weeties packets.
I’ll make a category section for this series later, but these 5 all appear to be 1969 issues and that is consistent with the others in this lot. The series was issued a second time in 1979 with some made in Mexico and stamped as such. These ones are unmarked which is consistent with the 1969 issues.
Bonza Bull in yellow and orange, a blue Kinky Cat, Loopy Lizard in brown, and a pink Hot Doggy with some bite mark damage.
As always Craig Halls’ book, Breakfast barons, Cereal critters and the Rosenhain & Lipmann Legacy, is my reference bible for cereal toys. This series is on page 151.
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