Lincoln International is or was a New Zealand business that manufactured, assembled or marketed toys and other products in New Zealand and Australia.
There are numerous snippets of information on the business around the web. My interest is in the toy cars generally made in the 1960’s and some of these are marked as Empire Made (British Empire) out of Hong Kong by Lincoln International. As a marketing business Lincoln apparently did a lot, and the two promotional Morris Mini Coopers that I recall from my childhood were petrol station give-aways (or maybe subsidised sale with petrol purchase).
The Replicar Series which states on the box “An Empire Made Lincoln International Product” are around 1:32 scale (approx. based on my calculations) but designed to compete with the market leaders in Corgi Toys and Dinky Toys in the 1960’s.
As with much of my collecting, there is a Mini link. The Mini Cooper service station give-aways from my child-hood. The Shell Petrol white plastic Mini Cooper and the blue Neptune Petrol equivalent have been a part of my collection for a number of years. I recently acquired a boxed Neptune Mini which had previously eluded me and within a week I happened to purchase a Lincoln made Mini Cooper which turns out to be the same casting / mould as the Shell and Neptune. Friction drives and some minor modifications to the base plate are the only differences.