The three pictures present the aspects of the two 35b Racers in silver that are in this collection. Not sure if these are pre or post war. Modelled on an MG R type racing car.
Both of them have had the tyres replaced. In these 35 series Dinky Toys the wheel rim and tyre are a single piece all rubber item that just sit on the axles.
Referencing Mike & Sue Richardsons' Dinky Toys book the silver colour with integral cast driver is either pre-war or just post war. Later issues were re-numbered and renamed model 200 Midget Racer.
The front view of a Dinky Toys 35c MG Sports Car in a pale green. Probably post war issue as the silver detailing is only on the radiator.
Rear view of the Dinky Toys 35c MG Sports Car modelled after a MG Midget or P Type.
Regardless it looks good on display with the other small cars.
Salvaged from a wheel-less and paint-less body this Dinky 35c MG Sports Car could be pre or post war.